Released in the UK May 2012
Released in the US July 2012
Pocket paperback | 176 Pages
Read to me: 8–9
Read Myself: 9–14
9781845508180 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – JNF049180
Mary was a young girl born to privilege, from the Royal line, heir to the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland – and destined to reign herself and change her country. She was brought up to believe in the God of the Bible rather than the fabricated teachings of priests. It was this personal faith that would be her strength as she left her homeland to marry and eventually to rule.
Linda Finlayson
Linda Finlayson is an author who writes biographies and church history books for children. She works part time as the administrative assistant at her church, Cornerstone Orthodox Presbyterian Church. She lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband, Sandy Finlayson, author, librarian and professor at Westminster Theological Seminary. They have one son.
9781845506308 |
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Linda Finlayson has written, with her usual flair, another fascinating and gripping biography. Mary Stuart, the female half of William and Mary, was a shadowy figure of some significance in English history Her story provides helpful insights into the position of women of class in the Seventeenth Century and how Britain's Protestant identity was maintained. Mary's was a life early marked by tragedy and death, faced withunusual courage. This biography tells her story in a convincing and gripping style.
A. Donald MacLeod
Research Professor of Church History, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Toronto, Ontario
Everyone loves a good story and Linda Finlayson is a very, very good story-teller. At the Mercy of Kings is about a young woman, Mary of Orange, a princess who put her faith in God and found that he kept all his promises even when her world turned upside down.
Irene Howat
Award–winning author