Released in the UK January 2012
Released in the US March 2012
Trade paperback | 200 Pages
9781845507770 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL006710
When someone respected and well known dies we consider their final words to be important and significant, even a distillation of that person’s wisdom throughout their life. The most important last words ever spoken were spoken by Jesus to the disciples who were to be his witnesses, taking the gospel to the whole world.
Of course, Jesus’ teaching and example investigated here are not strictly his very last words but his meeting in the upper room was the last time he saw his disciples together before he was arrested and put to death.
The wonder is that Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen and so carefully prepared his church for what was going to come. Although we are separated by two thousand years from this event, there is a real sense in which we are also in that room, listening to the saviour and able to learn so much from these last words to his disciples.
Wallace Benn
Wallace Benn is the retired Bishop of Lewes in the Church of England. Previously he was the pastor of a large Anglican Church and is in demand as a conference speaker at events such as New Word Alive and New Horizons.
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...a book which the ordinary Christian should find heart-warming and helpful, yet it is one to which the preacher could well turn in search of ideas for application based on sound exegesis. It could well be a congregation's 'book of the month' and it certainly deserves a wide circulation.
Benn's book deals with the five chapters in John's Gospel, chs. 13-17, recording the last words and deeds of Jesus. They are all in short sections written in a manner in which the young Christian can easily follow. They could be read on a daily basis with good profit. A short study guide broadens their scope for the Bible study group. The book is non-controversial, warmly written and 'chatty' in the best sense. The author has gone to the heart of these chapters and gives the reader a feel for some of the great heights and depths found in this part of John . . . well worth reading and praying through. once heart-warming yet biblically rigorous. It provides an excellent model of good exegesis coupled with a warm pastoral heart. I hope we will be seeing many more books from the pen of this author.
"Simply but faithfully explained; warmly but carefully applied; Wallace's book based on Jesus' farewell teaching in John's gospel is devotional reading at its best, tasty food for the soul and enriching nourishment for the heart."
Adrian Reynolds
Head of National Ministries, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, UK