Released in the UK January 2012
Released in the US March 2012
Trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781845506391 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL006030
Facing an assignment equivalent to being sent to warn notorious terrorists of God's anger with them, perhaps it was no wonder that Jonah ran away - certainly portrayed in Scripture as no "super saint", he avoided God and His call on his life. Yet God turned the situation around as pagan sailors encountered the living God who made the land and sea and the entire population of a city realised that although they deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth, there was a God of compassion and mercy who forgave them.
God's mercy is greater than our failures and through adverse circumstances and pain, a character of Christ-like compassion is chiselled out.
Colin S. Smith
Colin S. Smith is Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. His preaching ministry is shared through the daily radio program, Unlocking the Bible and through his website,
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The strength of the book is that it echoes the ministry of a prophet, speaking God's words into a culture which resists that word.
David Meredith
Mission Director, Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
"Here is a pastor reading the book of Jonah and finding a preacher who wants settled ministry, not challenges; who wants to see his enemies crushed, not converted; who longs for God's grace in his own life, but not in the lives of others; who knows how to speak God's words with faithfulness, but who wants to see only the component of judgment worked out in reality; a preacher who is angry and who wants God to be angry too; a man who wallows in self-pity and hates it when God exposes that self-pity for the idolatrous arrogance it is. It is not difficult to see the relevance of such portraits in our own day. And what does it say of God, that he keeps working away at Jonah as he keeps working away at the Ninevites?"
D. A. Carson
Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois
"Expect to be humbled, convicted, challenged, comforted and changed. The heart-warming, inescapable conclusion is that salvation truly comes from the Lord."
Jonathan Prime
Pastoral Ministries Director, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
"This outstanding book not only presents the exciting story of Jonah interestingly, it also applies the story so that God can speak into our personal lives through it."
Ajith Fernando
Teaching Director, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka