Released in the UK September 2011
Released in the US November 2011
Pocket paperback | 176 Pages
Read to me: 12
Read Myself: 12-14
9781845507206 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – YAF051030
Deep down Doug knew what he had to do as he accepted the ball from the big defender and headed towards the box. Twelve yards - that was all that separated him from putting his terrible season behind him and completely turning things around. He had played well tonight, he knew that, but if he didn't score this penalty it would all be for nothing. In a matter of seconds he would either be a hero or a villain. His pulse quickened as he took a step back from the ball and waited for the whistle. There was no hiding place - floodlights, cameras and the eyes of football fans everywhere were on him. The whistle blew. Drawing one last breath he launched forward, striking the ball with all his power. Doug's glittering career seems to be taking a nose dive - and the plans for his life are not what he had hoped for, but is something else going on behind the scenes? Doug's poor scoring record may not be the only reason he finds himself falling out of favour with the world's richest club. Are Doug's plans being thwarted by someone else's plot? A plot that cares nothing about other people... even whether they live or die?
Craig Rennie
Craig Rennie is the son of Cliff Rennie ? the original author of the Doug Mackay series. Craig works in the video games industry in Germany and is keen on writing, illustrating and football.
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