Released in the UK January 2013
Released in the US March 2013
Trade paperback | 224 Pages
9781845507169 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012130
For many women in difficult situations, fear takes a powerful hold. The reasons, whether real or imagined, abound: the possibility of illness or death; loss or rejection; crime, war or terror; failure or the uncertainty of the future.
Some fears are healthy-gifts from God to protect us. Many fears, though, are pretenders-tools of the enemy to harm us. Fighting Fear with Faith helps readers to discern the difference, to remember God's promises and to appropriate God's great power. Stories of people from the Bible and from Christian history inspire courage and strength. With a complete Bible study guide included, Fighting Fear with Faith is ideal for individual or group study.
Like a mighty elm tree that survives a stormy blast, a life connected to the strong root of Jesus can, too, withstand the storms.
Denise George
Denise George is an internationally popular writer and speaker best known for creative Biblical application. Denise is married to Dr. Timothy George, executive editor of Christianity Today and founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama.
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"This is a very interesting, well-written book that will become a very useful instrument for anyone trying to advise those who are fearful, whether this is on a one-to-one basis or in a group."
Mairi Harman
Ocean Grove, Australia
"I don't think the subject of 'fear' is one that is explored enough in our Christian walk and I haven't heard many sermons on the subject either. I feel that this book would be an excellent study book because fear is such a strong emotion and affects every person in life at some point or other and I will certainly be using it in our own study group and would recommend it to others."
May Nicholson
Author and founder of Preshal Trust