Released in the UK July 2011
Released in the US September 2011
Paperback | 24 Pages
Read to me: 2–5
Read Myself: 5–6
9781845507039 • £2.99 $4.99
BISAC – JNF049130
The church is not a building. It is a people that God has called together and made alive by faith. Although the activities of the church are important this book begins with who God’s people are – recognizing that the church’s activity results from its identity. When we call children to be a part of the church, we are calling them to be a part of a gospel people. And, as a gospel people, the church is a believing family, a community of missionaries, servants, learners and worshipers. This book is a call to God’s people to live as the people that God has made them to be.
Mandy Groce
Mandy Groce was born in West Point, New York and travelled throughout her childhood as the daughter of a United States Marine. Mandy is a wife, mother and part-time illustrator who occasionally writes stories for her children and others. Her illustrated colouring pages are available at She enjoys art, running and reading. Her desire is to use her writing to honour God and serve Him well. Mandy resides in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband and four children.
Bill Bell
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