Released in the UK May 2011
Released in the US July 2011
Large trade paperback | 144 Pages
Read to me: 8
Read Myself: 8-12
9781845506568 • £6.99 $10.99
BISAC – JNF049130
If someone came up to you and said 'Yadah" or "Zamar" you might think you'd met someone from a distant galaxy - but you'd really be hearing two important words about expressing yourself in praise to God. With arms raised high, instruments at the ready you can lift your voice, body and soul in praise to the God who made you and loves you. This book will help you find out what praise really is and get to know the wonderful, amazing, faithful God who deserves our praise every day. There are 'Praise projects' to get stuck into and some awesome stories from the Bible to make you jump up like Jehoshephat and sing "Give thanks to the Lord, for his love never fails!"
Doraine Bennett
Dorraine Bennet is a wife and mother living in Georgia in the U.S.A. She is involved in women?s bible studies, enjoys gardening and reading as well as her grandchildren!
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