Introduced by Daniel Montgomery. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds this wonderful psalm he sees a great choir, drawn from the four corners of the earth, united in praising God. Using the Psalmist's vivid word-pictures he underlines the sheer grace of God who rescues sinners from the wilderness, frees them from prison, heals them from dreadful disease and saves them from a terrible storm. Throughout this superb exposition(co-published with Bryntirion Press) Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones show the profound difference between false and true religion. True Christianity always, and inevitably, leads to grateful and heart-felt praising of God 'for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men.'

About Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was born in Wales. He was a dairyman's assistant, a political enthusiast, debater, and chief clinical assistant to Sir Thomas Harder, the King's Physician. But at the age of 27 he gave up a most promising medical career to become a preacher. He had a far-reaching influence through his ministry at Westminster Chapel in London, England from 1938-68. His published works have had an unprecedented circulation, selling in millions of copies.