Released in the UK November 2010
Released in the US January 2011


Large trade paperback | 176 Pages
9781845506063 • £8.99 $14.99

BISAC – REL006070

The Obedience Option

Because God knows what's good for us

David W. Hegg

Do you ever wonder why you keep doing things you know you shouldn't? Does life sometimes feel like one constant battle between what you know you should do and what you actually end up doing? The Obedience Option directs us to Paul's letter to the Ephesians to discover an "overwhelming faith" - a life dominating conviction that what God has for us through obedience is vastly better than anything this world has to offer. In this state a passion for God and his ways overwhelms everything else. Following God's commands becomes our joy and our lives become a consistent witness to Christ in a world that so desperately needs him.

David W. Hegg
David W. Hegg has been in pastoral ministry for 20 years and presently pastors Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California where he lives with his wife Cherylyn. He holds a D. Min from Westminster Seminary in California and is an adjunct professor at The Master?s College. He is the author of Appointed to Preach and blogs at www.heggthought.com.

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