Released in the UK November 2013
Released in the US January 2014
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
9781845505974 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL067030
When Richard Dawkins published The God Delusion, David Robertson wanted an intelligent Christian response – and so he wrote it. This honest book draws on Robertson’s experience as a debater, letter writer, pastor and author to clarify the questions and the answers for thinkers and seekers, and to respond to Dawkins in a gentle spirit.
David Robertson
David Robertson, author of ‘The Dawkins Letters’ and ‘Magnificent Obsession’, is a well–known pastor and apologist who is passionate about engaging culture with the message of Christ.
9781527104730 |
9781527104747 |
9781845503581 |
9781845503376 |
"I have read your manuscript. In a word, it is SUPERB! You really do an extraordinary job."
Samuel Logan
International Director, World Reformed Fellowship
Wow, this is an intelligent and well-crafted view of RD's book.
The content is excellent. It's a fun, engaging read.
Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
The book does a particularly good job of point out the unending contradictions between what Dawkins wants to believe and what he must actually believe.
Tim Challies
Author, ‘Seasons of Sorrow’