Released in the UK July 2010
Released in the US September 2010
Large trade paperback | 128 Pages
Read to me: 9-12
Read Myself: 12-16
9781845505677 • £6.99 $10.99
BISAC – YAN048020
Take one bible, one character, 40 days and 40 bible readings - study and explain.
This is a book where 40 different readings from the life and writings of the apostle Paul are studied and explained in such a way as to introduce the reader to the real Paul - and the important doctrines of the church of Christ. From arch enemy of the early church to it's foremost evangelist and preacher we see Paul as he really was - a man with a desire to spread God's word and glorify Christ. With extra features such as a glossary, boot camps and who's who - any reader can take this book and get into the message of Paul and the epistles whether they be from a churched or unchurched background.
Dominic Smart
(1959 – 2020) Originally from Yorkshire, Dominic Smart was minister of Gilcomston Church in Aberdeen from 1998 to 2015. An author and conference speaker, he was married to Marjorie and they have four grown–up children.
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