Released in the UK March 2010
Released in the US May 2010


Paperback | 88 Pages
Read to me: 14-16
Read Myself: 16
9781845505493 • £6.99 $9.99

BISAC – REL091000

Sex And Relationships

Book 4: Six Youth Group Sessions from Genesis, Romans, 1 Corinthians & Ephesians

Roger Fawcett

Being aged 14 to 18 year old is a vital point in your life where you need help to study the Bible in a way that is challenging and mind stretching.
In book 4 of Junction you will be going through Bible passages in Genesis, Romans, Corinthians, and Ephesians. The group will discuss the Christian and world views of sex and relationships; what God's answer is to our sinful natures and how to flee from our evil desires. Six lessons include 'Male And Female, He Created Them' (Genesis 1-3); 'Exchanging God's Truth For Lies' (Romans 1:18-27); 'Flee From Sexual Immorality' (1 Corinthians 6:12-20); 'Live As Children Of Light' (Ephesians 5:1-14); 'What I Hate I Do' (Romans 7:7-8:2); Create In Me A Pure Heart' (Genesis 39:1-23).
With the TnT Junction material you can be confident that you have material that is trustworthy, comprehensible and biblical. Each lesson plan, in addition to a lesson aim, contains study notes to enable the leader to understand the Bible passage. There is also a slot to encourage the young people to share experiences and learn from each other. Along with suggestions for prayer, praise and how to focus attention on the studies there are optional worksheets to help the young people engage with the passage.
Additional advice and tips are given to youth leaders to help make running a youth Bible study memorable and effective, with the minimal of cringe!

Roger Fawcett
Roger Fawcett has been involved in full-time youth ministry for seventeen years. Before that he was a teacher. He is currently a youth minister in Cheshire. His hobbies include outdoor pursuits, music and playing board games. One of his greatest pleasures is inflicting these hobbies on his wonderful but long-suffering family. His desire is to see the Bible taught well to young people so that God can help them become life-long disciples.

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