Released in the UK January 2010
Released in the US March 2010
Large trade paperback | 288 Pages
9781845505424 • £13.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL015000
Was McCheyne for real? Was he just famous because he died so young? Does he have anything to teach us today? In this book, David Robertson seeks to answer these and other questions. Through the use of published sermons, private papers and historical material, this contemporary devotional biography traces McCheyne’s life and influence from his upbringing, conversion and training for the ministry to the revival that occurred in St. Peter’s in 1839 and his early death. The contemporary relevance of McCheyne for today’s church is demonstrated and the glory of God is seen in this wonderful story of what He can do with one ‘consecrated sinner’.
David Robertson
David Robertson, author of ‘The Dawkins Letters’ and ‘Magnificent Obsession’, is a well–known pastor and apologist who is passionate about engaging culture with the message of Christ.
9781845505141 |
9781845500733 |
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"Having used Robert Murray McCheyne's 1842 Bible Reading Calendar for many years, and having admired his hunger for holiness, I am very glad that David Robertson has written this new biography."
John Stott
(1921-2011), Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, Langham Place, London
"Recommended for anyone who wants to know how youthful enthusiasm grounded in the Bible and faith can overcome in the most adverse circumstances, and how conservatism and prejudices can then destroy what God has created. Powerful lessons for us all in fact."
Christian Marketplace
Resourcing retailers and suppliers
"The freshest presentation of McCheyne available"
Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
"...a fine and fresh account of a great and godly minister of the gospel. David Robertson gives us new insight into McCheyne's personal life, and his preparation for preaching, his deep social concern and his absolute devotion to the glory of God as the ultimate motive of everything he did."
Eric Alexander
Conference speaker and formerly minister St George's Tron, Glasgow for 20 years