Released in the UK January 2010
Released in the US March 2010


Trade paperback | 112 Pages
Read to me: 5-7
Read Myself: 7-11
9781845505387 • £4.99 $7.99

BISAC – JNF049020

War Child

Memories of a World War II Childhood

Maurine Murchison

When bombs fell over cities like Glasgow and London people would take refuge in shelters and tube stations until the all-clear signal sounded and 'normal' life resumed. Many years later Maurine remembered those times - the rationing, the evacuation, the fears and excitement of living as a child during the Second World War.
Taking up her pen she wrote about those historic days. These were stories that she could leave behind so that others would know what it was like and the real secret of how they survived during those troublesome days. This will serve as a useful insight for children into World War II from a Christian perspective.

Maurine Murchison
Maurine Murchison was brought up during the Second World War but survived and went on to be an influential Christian in her day. Starting a ladies? bible study movement later on in life she was one of a committee of women who saw 500 women?s bible study groups grow from just a handful of meetings.

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