Released in the UK September 2009
Released in the US November 2009


Trade paperback | 320 Pages
9781845504786 • £9.99 $14.99

BISAC – BIO018000

David Brainerd

A Flame for God

Vance Christie

“…I hardly ever so longed to live to God and to be altogether devoted to Him; I wanted to wear out my life in his service and for his glory …” David Brainerd

Introduction by John Macarthur. David Brainerd was devoted to live for his Lord. He lived a short life but in his four years as a missionary he was blessed with a period of revival amongst the Indians to whom he had been ministering. By considering the life of Brainerd this book will be of tremendous spiritual benefit to you as you read of a young man plagued with depression and yet made so effective under God.

Vance Christie
Vance Christie served as a pastor for thirty–six years and has authored a number of books in the field of historical Christian biography. He and his wife Leeta live in Aurora, Nebraska and are blessed with three adult daughters, their husbands and five grandchildren. His website is www.vancechristie.com.

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