Released in the UK November 2012
Released in the US January 2013


Large trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781845504656 • £7.99 $12.99

BISAC – REL006110

The Goodnight Book

Richard Bewes

The Goodnight Book is intended for… well, pretty well anybody of whatever philosophical or cultural background. Millions would concur with the author’s experience at some point in their lives. The action–packed day that makes ‘winding down’ difficult, the fear of what ‘tomorrow’ may bring; pressures on the marriage, in the workplace or family; decisions looming ahead, the heaviness of grief – or the sheer trauma of moving house!


It’s said by psychologists that the last thing we think about at night tends to stay with us, and become a part of the subconscious, thus affecting our mental and emotional make–up. So here it is one page at a time – one page of truth per evening!

Richard Bewes
Richard Bewes (1934 – 2019) was the author of several beloved books of faith including ‘Talking About Prayer’, ‘150 Pocket Thoughts’, and ‘The Goodnight Book’. Bewes was the rector of All Souls Church in the centre of London from 1983 until his retirement in 2004. In 2005 he was awarded an OBE for his services to the Church of England.

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