Ferdinand the engine has a lot to learn about being an engine and keeping to the rails – he has a lot to learn about just doing what he is told. But it’s a good job the Inventor knows exactly what Ferdinand is like and then there’s the wonderful engine Morning Star who will help Ferdinand when he is in trouble.
Ann Benton’s delightful book portrays characters such as Ferdinand, Sunny Jim, Morning Star, and the inventor in a way that children can be taught profound truths in a simple way. Ferdinand’s story is a wonderful way to portray the problem we humans have with sin and the wonderful saviour we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In order to be able to use the songs in this book as songs and not simply as poems for recitation you will need to use the downloads that we’ve made available for you on this webpage. These are listed in numerical order so you will easily be able to match the words on the page with the appropriate song. The music used is from an old English folk song just in case it sounds familiar. Enjoy!
Please note that Anyone who buys this book is entitled to claim a CD directly from Ann Benton c/o Chertsey Street Baptist Church, Chertsey Street, Guildford GU1 4HL, provided they send £2 for p&p and a proof of purchase.

About Ann Benton
Ann Benton is the wife of John Benton, a church minister, author and magazine editor. John and Ann have developed and run practical Marriage orienting and enrichment seminars to the benefit of numerous couples (and couples to be).