Released in the UK October 2009
Released in the US March 2009
Large trade paperback | 208 Pages
9781845504212 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL067100
When Jesus said to Nicodemus, ‘You must be born again’, the devout and learned religious leader was unsure what Jesus meant. It would seem nothing has changed. Today ‘born again Christians’ fill churches that are seen as ineffectual at best, and even characterised by the ‘mosaic’ generation as ‘unchristian’. The term ‘born again’ has been devalued both in society and in the church. Those claiming to be ‘born again’ live lives that are indistinguishable from those who don’t; they sin the same, embrace injustice the same, covet the same, do almost everything the same. Being ‘born again’ is now defined by what people say they believe. The New Testament however defines Christians very differently.
John Piper
John Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota for 33 years. He is the founder of, a chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, and he has written more than 50 books including Desiring God and Don’t Waste Your Life.
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"Regeneration, or new birth, meaning simply the new you through, with, in, and under Christ, is a largely neglected theme today, but this fine set of sermons, criss-crossing the New Testament data with great precision, goes far to fill the gap. Highly recommended."
J. I. Packer
(1926–2020), Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada
That prolific author John Piper has done it again. We dare not allow the new birth to be lost in the mists of our activity and emphasis. Often we hear sports commentators say that a certain mature sportsman has been 'born again' meaning that he is having another season of success following a dark period. The new birth should never be regarded as merely 'having another go'.
John Piper, with consummate skill, sets forth the Biblical doctrine of the new birth in all its magnificence and radical impact on lives that were formerly without form and void.
Terry Virgo
Founder of Newfrontiers and well-known Bible Teacher, London
"Theologically thorough and yet heart-warmingly pastoral and practical, this important book should help God's people to value the remarkable status and responsibility of being ‘born again.'"
Richard Cunningham
Former Director, Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF), United Kingdom
"Expository and practical, this rich survey of New Testament teaching explores the nature of the new birth and the life which flows from it. Full of refreshment and encouragement, it reveals more deeply the glory of Christ and the gospel and motivates a renewed commitment to live out this good news and share it with others."
David Jackman
Past President, The Proclamation Trust, London