Released in the UK September 2008
Released in the US November 2008
Large trade paperback | 384 Pages
9781845503741 • £11.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL080000
Ben Awbrey focuses on the most neglected parts of the sermon - where it all begins! Gain help in the following stages of your sermon:
It is suitable for all levels of experience!
Ben Awbrey
Dr. Ben Awbrey is Assistant Professor of Preaching at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri. He has been a pastor in Oklahoma and Louisiana and studied at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Talbot Theological Seminary and Central State University.
9781845504564 |
9781781916018 |
9781781914038 |
9781845502652 |
"...there is no shortage of strategists and innovators in the evangelical community who think that they have better ways for reaching the culture than by preaching God's Word. Ben Awbrey knows better than that... I have long appreciated his desire to help other preachers make the most of their gifts and calling. His insights have proved invaluable to hundreds of pastors and young preachers."
John MacArthur
Chancellor Emeritus, The Master’s University and Seminary and Pastor–Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California
"The three ‘undervalued' components of expository sermon preparation include introductions, illustrations and conclusions... In all of my considerable reading over a lifetime on biblical exposition, this excellent volume on ‘introductions' by Dr. Ben Awbrey proves to be the most thorough and complete that I have ever encountered."
Richard Mayhue
Research Professor of Theology Emeritus, The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California