Released in the UK January 2015
Released in the US March 2015
Pocket paperback | 64 Pages
9781845503123 • £3.99 $6.99
BISAC – REL030000
People are often curious and occasionally apprehensive about what the church is like. Not many people come sliding out of a reformed pipeline and straight into a pew - they come from all over the religious and non-religious spectrum. We don't want people to be surprised in a bad way about what they will encounter.
Dale Ralph Davis
Dale Ralph Davis is a renowned Bible teacher who lives in rural Tennessee. He has been a pastor in various churches and was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.
9781781912720 |
9781527105249 |
9781857924206 |
9781527107786 |
"I can't imagine anything better [than this book] for teaching what it means to belong to The House that Jesus Built - to new Christians who don't yet understand the church (and older ones who ought to!). Ralph Davis is a good friend, and a great Bible teacher. Once again he has come up with a gem for us with this little manual on the church. Biblical, succinct, clear, fun and, above all, brief."
William J. U. Philip
Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow
"In an age where everyone is offering to re-design the church, Ralph Davis, in this small booklet, winsomely, clearly and most of all Biblically reminds us that we have a designer of the church - Jesus Christ - and the glory and majesty of His design. This is a great instrument to remind, encourage and attract people to the bride of Christ and the body of Christ - His Church."
Harry L. Reeder III
(1948 – 2023) Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
"Prejudice Buster". "It is a kind of Brochure-cum-browser which enables people to make an informed choice about whether or not yours might be the church in which to settle...this book will dissolve the prejudices which many people bring through our church doors and win them for Christ and his church"
John Benton
Director of Pastoral Support, The Pastors’ Academy, London Seminary, London, UK