Released in the UK July 2007
Released in the US September 2007
Large trade paperback | 416 Pages
9781845502652 • £12.99 $19.99
BISAC – REL080000
"While perfection in preaching is an illusive dream, improvement is within the grasp of virtually everyone" Donald Hamilton
Imagine that preaching is like a 'see-saw' or 'teeter-totter'. It is not much fun unless the people on both sides are roughly equal in weight. If not then one will suspended in the air, the other stuck on the ground both going nowhere!
Is this what you want of your congregation? Are they left high and dry or down in the dumps by their experience.
Donald Hamilton doesn't want them to suffer this fate! Preaching with balance is intended primarily for those who preach to the same congregation on a regular basis.
This is the situation that most preachers find themselves in, yet most preaching books seem more intent on just providing a boost to the preacher without giving advice on how to maintain an improvement in preaching.
Preaching with a balance comes complete with useful appencices on developing an annual preaching plan, planning topical and linear sermon sets and includes a useful sermon evaluation form.
Donald Hamilton
9781781913253 |
9781527109001 |
9781857927696 |
9781845508241 |
"The book is written from an evangelical standpoint and contains much of help to all who preach. It also presents many challenges with respect to our heart attitudes and motives."
Evangelicals Now
...through Preaching with Balance, a firm hand reaches out to steady preachers both neophyte and veteran. Through seven wisely placed steps Dr. Donald Hamilton enables us to firmly plant our feet, steadily keep our balance, humbly move ahead—all while faithfully declaring, "Thus saith the Lord!
John A. Kitchen
Senior Pastor, Stow Alliance Fellowship, Stow, Ohio
My colleague at Columbia International University Seminary and School of Missions (we have very large sweatshirts) has produced for us an enormously practical work on all the critical issues of preaching in today's world. I commend Preaching with Balance without reservation.
Someone has said that balance may be just another word for deadness, but that is certainly not true with this very helpful discussion of faithfully and fruitfully proclaiming God's Word. The topics covered are balance in theological and personal perspective, in preaching purpose, in homiletical variety, and in sermon content and delivery..
Dr. Hamilton makes the point that most congregations would be pleased to hear better preaching, and most preachers would be pleased to be more effective in the pulpit. This text, carefully studied and applied, will greatly help to fulfill both desires..
Larry Dixon
Professor Emeritus, Columbia International University, South Carolina
"Preaching With Balance" covers all the bases for a preacher to maintain balance in the preaching task. The author is insightful and incisive when handling issues of balance. He cautions the preacher of the possibility of getting into a rut. This book is a plumb line for all preachers. It is an invaluable contribution to the preaching fraternity. A must for the preacher's shelf."