Released in the UK July 2007
Released in the US September 2007


Large trade hardback | 464 Pages
9781845502119 • £31.99 $39.99

BISAC – REL015000

The Baptists

The Modern Era – Vol 3

Tom Nettles

In the final part of Tom Nettle’s Trilogy, he traces some of the modern movements with the Baptist diaspora.


Nettles looks at the downgrade in the British Church through the lenses of C.H. Spurgeon and John Clifford and the decline in America looking at the influences of A. H. Strong, E. Y. Mullins and the Baptist Modernists.
Key outcomes are explored that inevitably fomulate out of Baptist theology (e.g. separation of church and state).


The ‘renewed contours’ of the present day Baptist movement are also covered with particular reference to recent changes in the Southern Baptist Convention.


This series is a triumph! It serves as a neccessary addition to the story of the church.

Tom Nettles
Tom Nettles is Senior Professor of Historical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

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