Released in the UK November 2014
Released in the US January 2015
Trade paperback | 304 Pages
9781845502553 • £8.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL080000
Published in conjunction with The Proclamation Trust.
There are commentaries, and there are books on preaching - but very few books that are specifically geared to the preacher or Bible teacher tackling a series on a Bible book or doctrinal theme. Key features of books in this series are introductory chapters on 'getting our bearings in the book' and 'planning a series'. The 'meat of the book' then works systematically through a suggested series, working with the Bible teacher from text to sermon or talk. Each chapter ends with a suggested preaching / teaching outline and a detailed Bible study which would be ideal for small groups.
Books in this series are aimed at developing confidence in handling God's Word in a variety of contexts. Whether you are a preacher, a small group leader or youth worker, these books will give you the necessary tools for teaching.
Teaching Acts is a welcome addition to the series. Acts is a tough book to teach, but vital to the church in every generation.
David Cook
David has recently retired from his role as Principal and Director of the School of Preaching at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC). He is now now involved in an itinerant preaching and teaching ministry, He is a Presbyterian minister and a graduate of SMBC and Moore Theological College. Prior to formal studies and pastoral ministry David worked in the Economic Research Department of the Reserve Bank. He has spoken at a number of Christian Conventions including Keswick. David is married to Maxine, and they have five adult children and eight grandchildren.
9781527103856 |
9781527103351 |
9781845501235 |
9781527111851 |
"a really helpful volume, with good advice for preaching. The introduction discusses how attention to structure can help in preaching."
Ray Van Neste
Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee
The Teaching series is a great resource for Bible study leaders and pastors, indeed for any Christian who wants to understand their Bible better.
Mark Dever
Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President,, Washington, DC
The task of moving from the text of Scripture to clear and faithful exposition is challenging. This series of excellent guides aims to help the Bible teacher to observe what is there in the text, and prepare to convey its significance to contemporary hearers. In this way these volumes often do more than the weightier technical commentaries. It is like having the guidance of an experienced coach in the wonderful work of rightly handling the word of truth.
John Woodhouse
Retired Principal and Lecturer in Doctrine and Old Testament, Moore College, Sydney, Australia
"This is a fantastic resource for all Bible teachers and as a small group leader, I shall be investing in the other books in the series. This is a great investment!"
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