Released in the UK March 2007
Released in the US May 2007
Trade paperback | 208 Pages
9781845502430 • £9.99 $13.99
BISAC – BIO018000
On F. B. Meyer's death in 1929 The Daily Telegraph called him 'The Archbishop of the Free Churches'. The New York Observer noted that 'He has an international fame and his services are constantly sought by churches over the wide and increasing empire of Christendom.' To the secular press of his time he was a key player on the world scene - yet this is the first chronological account of Meyer's life. Meyer was the minister one of Britain's first 'megachurches'. He was friends with D. L. Moody and ministered on both sides of the Atlantic, mirroring in America what D. L. Moody was able to undertake in the U.K. He came from a conventional, middle class Victorian background and experienced no dramatic conversion. He was not a distinguished scholar or dramatic orator. His slight figure and retiring manner meant that he did not stand out in a crowd. Yet he drew crowds by the thousands, wrote books, which sold by the millions, and attracted working class people.The range of Meyer's activities is astonishing: preacher, pastor, writer, social activist, free church leader, Baptist president, advocate for missionary work and more. In his last years, he declared, 'If I had a hundred lives, they should be at Christ's disposal.' At times, it seemed as though he was living a hundred lives!
Bob Holman
Bob Holman (1936-2016) was Professor of Social Policy at Bath University. He lived and worked in two deprived areas for 26 years. He has written academic books and a biography of George Lansbury, Christian socialist leader of the Labour party.
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"Bob Holman has put us in his debt by bringing Meyer to life for our day, for his is a deeply inspiring and absorbing story. Although from a well-to-do family ‘fb' devoted his life to social action, even giving up a pastorate in fashionable and prosperous part of London to minister to the great masses of the people elsewhere in the capital. Combining both a concern for both souls and the material well-being of people, Meyer stood out from many of his contemporaries in his vision, commitment and industry. He also recognized the political dimension of the gospel, and was in many ways close to the Christian socialists of his day."
"This is an extremely well written biography of a lesser-known giant though he was internationally famous. Such was his skill as a Bible teacher and devotional writer that he could gather immense crowds and sell thousands of copies of his writings...Meyer is a model for those of us who wish to reunite what God always wanted joined together - the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ and the social gospel of community transformation in Christ's name. He is a great guide and inspiration in the building of mega-churches that could transform whole cities."
The remarkable ministry exercised by F. B. Meyer over nearly sixty years in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is vividly portrayed in this "first chronological account of his life". Meyer was to become one of the foremost Baptist preachers and writers of his day. He held pastorates in York, Leicester and London which, under his hand, prospered, and was notably successful in his convention, at which he preached on many occasions, his influence was considerable, he undertook worldwide preaching tours from time to time. His written output extended to over 100 books, papers, pamplets, some of his devotional works continuing in print today. Though not without controversy, particularly over his political views and actions, Meyer was first and foremost a man with a consuming desire to reach out to the masses, and the author shows how his efforts were blessed by God.
"This biography of a most attractive Baptist leader who died in 1929 tells a convincing story of a pastor who combined evangelical zeal, Keswick holiness, social concern and advent preaching. There was no part of Baptist and Non-conformist life that he did not influence, and he had notable pastorates at Melbourne Hal, Leicester Regrent Park Chapel, London and Christ Church, Lambeth. He organised many mission and social institutions, and gave his last years to the RMBU. Bob Holman, a member of our Easterhouse Church has produced a lively, honest and inspiring little book about a great man. This too is highly recommended."