Released in the UK January 2007
Released in the US March 2007
Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781845502355 • £6.99 $10.99
BISAC – BIO018000
Ghana is considered one of the success stories of West Africa. Its government is relatively stable and the widespread use of English, as part of its colonial heritage, gives it easier access to the world at large. If Ronaldo and Rossana Lidorio were expecting a lightly Westernised African state when they went to the north of Ghana as missionaries such preconceptions were soon dispelled. They came up against formidable cultural and language barriers, illiteracy and human sacrifice. Where would you start if you entered a society where there are only 6 days to the week and no such thing as a year (and consequently no birthdays)? Where polygamy is a virtue and sisters are regularly swapped? Where the most powerful person in the village is not the tribal chief but the Witch Doctors, who have practiced their art for thousands of years? One of the themes, as you read this exciting story of modern missionary endeavour, is the counter-cultural one of ?sacrifice'. Ronald and Rossana worked on the foundations of others who prepared the way and alongside similarly committed people. 17 churches have now been planted in this previously un-reached area and 81 church leaders trained. The Konkomba tribes are now sending their own evangelists into other areas to bring the Good News of Christ to more people.
Ronaldo Lidorio
Ronaldo & Rossana Lidorio are Brazilians who were missionaries in Northern Ghana for many years. Continuing their work amongst unreached nations.
9781845500788 |
9781857926163 |
9781845500931 |
9781527108738 |
"...even though Ronaldo and Rosanna Lidorio are main characters in this story of their mission work in Ghana, the true main character is the Holy Spirit. The story is not about what man did, but rather each page tells what the Holy Spirit did in rather amazing ways."
"We in WEC seek to reach the remaining unevangelized people on earth in the shortest possible time. Here is a remarkable account of this happening in Africa. This heart-
warming story shows how God used a remarkable Brazilian WECer couple as church planters among a section of the Konkomba people in Ghana, West Africa. May this book
inspire you to pray for and go to other peoples still without the light of the Gospel!"
Patrick Johnstone
WEC Interational Regional Director for Europe & Author Emeritus, Operation World
"...a modern missionary tale. A Brazilian couple working with WEC describe what they found as they worked with the Konkomba in Northern Ghana, seeing many remarkable things achieved through the lives of his willing servants. They are now 17 churches in this previously unreached area."
"Packed with heart-warming stories and amazing accounts of how lives were changed, this book is bound to be a great blessing to the reading public"