Released in the UK November 2006
Released in the US January 2007
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
9781845502270 • £5.99 $7.99
BISAC – REL012030
Many people are confused about sex, morality and personal identity.
This book provides the background to distinctive Christian standards based on the Bible’s teaching. It addresses the problems that you can encounter when seeking to encourage a Christ–commended lifestyle in today’s society.
Contributors: David Wright, William Still, Geoffrey Grogan, David Searle>
David Searle
David Searle was a former Director of Rutherford House, a theological research and study centre in Edinburgh. Prior to that he pastored two Churches of Scotland before moving to Bangor, County Down in Northern Ireland where he pastored Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church for eight years from 1985.
9781527104785 |
9781781912034 |
9781845500764 |
9781857929331 |
This book would be well suited for the student market or anyone who is trying to make sense of the biblical Theology of relationships within a sex obsessed society.
Evangelicals Now
"One of the best books available on this highly important subject. Balanced, biblical and readable, it is urgently necessary in the contemporary confusion of our culture. I hope it is widely read."
Eric Alexander
Conference speaker and formerly minister St George's Tron, Glasgow for 20 years
"An alternative title for this book might have been: Sex—handle with care! Sex has brought immense happiness to countless millions but it has also dealt sorrow and heartache to just as many. It need not, and it should not; hence this little book. In it the contributors present lucidly, and without need for apology, our Maker's instructions on how to handle one of the most wonderful gifts he has given to us—our human sexuality. If we will trust his guidance, we shall find it really is the way to lasting fulfilment and greatest joy."
William J. U. Philip
Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow
"Here is wisdom - factual, medical and biblical - to guide our thinking about our sexuality and especially about homosexual practice; here too is fuel for our compassion and prayers."
Ann Allen
International speaker, Kilsyth, Scotland