Catholic Calvinism may seem like an oxymoron, but this festschrift honoring Ian Hamilton demonstrates how Reformed orthodoxy and an ecumenical spirit can coexist. The book explores how Reformed theology can maintain theological conviction while embracing a generous spirit toward other Christians.
The volume is divided into three sections: 'Orientation to Catholic Calvinism,' which defines the concept; 'Catholic Calvinist Convictions Lived Out,' which examines its practical application in areas like preaching, baptism, and the Lord's Supper; and 'Historic Role Models,' which identifies historical figures who exemplified these principles, including Augustine, Calvin, and John Owen.
Contributors include prominent theologians like Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, and Joel Beeke. The essays engage with topics such as ministerial training, church unity amid theological differences, and the proper understanding of sacraments.
Throughout the book, the authors affirm that true Calvinism should be characterized by both doctrinal fidelity and an irenic spirit that recognizes fellow believers across denominational lines. The work presents Ian Hamilton as exemplifying this approach—someone who maintains strong Reformed convictions while exhibiting genuine love for all who belong to Christ's universal church.
ISBN 9781527111905
Author Peter Sanlon
Imprint Mentor
Category Theology
Page Count 264
Width 216 mm
Height 138 mm
Weight 0.335 kg
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