What is conversion? What does it look like? And why does it matter? Joseph Alleine addresses these questions and more in this book, pleading with the unconverted to turn to Christ. Contrasting the life of the believer with the eternity facing those who are not in Christ this passionate appeal explains not only why, but how to give your life to God.
If we will be wise, we must walk with the wise (Prov. 13:20). Spiritual giants walked through the land in 17th century England and Scotland. You could spend a lifetime reading the ministers God raised up in those days and receive much hard won biblical wisdom born in a time of great adversity. Perhaps even in our tumultuous times, a renewal of interest in the clear gospel proclamation will help to drown out the distractions we all feel, rediscovering our link with the church through the ages and rejoicing for eternity that Jesus Christ has indeed saved His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21).
Chris Larson
President and CEO of Ligonier Ministries, Orlando, Florida
This is one of the clearest, heart–searching and heart–warming explanations of true Christianity you will ever find. Deeply in the Bible, it comes from the pen of a man who suffered for his faith. While using fresh language and contemporary idioms, this edition maintains the structure and direction of Alleine’s masterful book without losing any of its strident urgency and passionate concern for those who do not know Christ. Whether you are a Christian already or not, this pocket book is a highly recommended read
John Benton
Director of Pastoral Support, The Pastors’ Academy, London Seminary, London, UK
Joseph Alleine (1634 – 1668) was an English pastor and writer. He was educated at Oxford, under John Owen and Thomas Goodwin.
ISBN 9781527106123
Author Joseph Alleine
Imprint Heritage
Category Apologetics & Evangelism
Series Grace Essentials
Page Count 128
Width 198 mm
Height 130 mm
Weight 0.15 kg
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