A Hidden Gem – ‘Ourselves’ by Brownlow North
Recently, in a dusty corner of our warehouse we came across some books which, although unsellable now due to the absence of a barcode, are priceless in content. Re–published by CFP in 1989

Recently, in a dusty corner of our warehouse we came across some books which, although unsellable now due to the absence of a barcode, are priceless in content. Re–published by CFP in 1989 Ourselves by Brownlow North was a hidden gem, one we confess to having almost forgotten.
Brownlow North (1810–1875) lived a life of pleasure, indulged in gambling and, to the casual observer, there was little inkling as to what plans God had for him. In November 1854 he was wonderfully converted and proceeded to be a Gospel Evangelist in 1859, being specially dedicated to that post by the Free Church of Scotland.
During the 1859 Ulster Revival he was considered “one of the best theologians” whose preaching of Christ for Christ’s sakes led many to open their hearts to the Gospel. He preached widely, with thousands crowding to hear him. One occasion it was estimated that over twelve thousand people were listening, confirming the view of one commentator that his lay preaching contributed immeasurably to that powerful revival.
Rabbie Duncan said of him “There is intellect in his brow, genius in his eye and eloquence in his mouth”.
My late brother Roderick particularly appreciated this book that we reprinted some decades ago, so much so that he wrote the foreword which I include below to whet your appetite:
About 30 years ago, my mother was very excited when she obtained a copy of this book. She found it very helpful and knew that it would also help a good friend of hers – called Hugh – who at the time was working in India. I was allowed a brief read of the book then, but it was sent out to India very quickly.
Hugh received and read the book, and expressed appreciation for it, but for some reason it was never returned. It was therefore with great pleasure that I received a copy of this book recently, and have once again enjoyed the writings of Brownlow North – which had brought much spiritual refreshment all these years ago.
As you will discover, this exceptional book brings to life the history of the Israelites as they travelled from Egypt to the Promised Land. I am sure that under God’s blessing difficulties in the Christian journey will be resolved as you read the book, and you will wish to share the book with others.
My mother’s enthusiasm for this work was “infectious”, its message is from above, the author is extremely direct and personal with a word to the believer, seeker and the unconverted. You should have no trouble in understanding what he means, you will not be disappointed with what you read:– rather you will be impressed with the truths so lucidly presented.
Geanies House
April 1989
Although the cover is dated and the pages faded, the words still ring true, they stand the test of time and we are confident the book will be a blessing to those who read it. In order to see the books put to good use we will give up to 10 copies away free of charge upon request. Alas this offer is open only to those from the UK. Those from further afield would need to cover postage.
To take advantage of this offer, please send these three things to info@christianfocus.com:
A postal address An email address A commitment to read the book and pass it on if the opportunity arises.