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Staff Profile – Rosanna

Margaret Roberts


Who are you and what do you do?

Hello I’m Rosanna. Who are you? I work in the editorial department. My job is to coordinate the publishing of our adult books, from the moment we sign a contract to the day that we send the manuscript off to the printers. I make sure the books are edited, typeset, proofread and ready on time (hopefully). I also play a role in reviewing some of the submissions, and finding people who would be suitable to endorse our books.

What is your favourite thing about what you do?

Seeing the beginning and end of the process. I get to meet some of our authors when they are first thinking about writing to discuss their project with them, which is great fun. Fast forward one or two years, and their book arrives fresh from the printers, pristine and with an unmistakable ‘new book’ scent. Ready to be sent out into the world.

What is one thing about you that other people think is unusual?

My accent gets picked up on quite a lot, as I’m from the South of England and so come across as distinctly ‘non–Scottish’. I also spent eight years living in France, which I suppose is unusual.

What are your three favourite CFP books?

Hmm. I’m in a fortunate position where I get to read quite a few of the books that pass through my hands, so it would be difficult to pick a favourite. Here are three of my recommendations. Very different genres, tones and styles, but each challenged me.

Isaiah by the Day, by Alec Motyer – the author’s own translation of the book of Isaiah, with a devotional thought for the day and extra notes to help you get to grips with the text and the culture in which it was first written.

Long Story Short, by Glen Scrivener – a really fun, accessible overview of the Bible which presents its overarching storyline: that God loves us, and through the Old and New Testament is working to reconcile us to Him. A great one to give to non–Christian friends, or to marvell at these truths yourself.

Storm Clouds of Blessings, by Janice Cappucci – this book compiles eight honest and raw accounts of suffering, from people in a wide range of situations. They have one thing in common: they have each seen their trials used by God for His glory.

Do you have any interesting tales to tell about your time at CFP?

This summer during the heatwave (which even reached the highlands) we decided to have an office picnic one lunchtime, down by the beach. There was much talk from some of the guys about how they were going to brave the North Sea and go for a swim. This enthusiasm gradually died as the event drew nearer, leaving only hardy Irene and I to face the icy experience alone. We had a great time though, and I think they regretted leaving their trunks (and their pride) at home.

It’s a memory I like to hold over them.

Is there something you wish people would stop asking you?

Do you know what *insert Scottish word here* means?

Not because I don’t like the question but because my answer will probably be no! But after five years in Scotland I’m getting there

What is your favourite verse?

Isaiah 54: 10

‘”Though the mountains be shaken

    and the hills be removed,

yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken

    nor my covenant of peace be removed,”

    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.’

What was the last book you read for fun?

Ok, nerd time: it was The Silmarillion. I didn’t say that to show my inner Tolkien geek; it was actually the last book I read. When I’m not reading I like to bore my friends with fun facts from The Lord of the Rings.

I do read other, less dense books. One favourite would be Watership Down.

What is the best thing about working in the Highlands of Scotland?

For me it’s being close to the sea. There is a coastal path close to our office. Everytime we go for a lunchtime walk we end up pausing at the viewpoint; stopped in awe by the immense swathe of blue (well alright, sometimes it’s grey). I recognise that I am very fortunate to work in an area where God’s gift of nature is so powerfully displayed.

Anything else we should ask…?

What… is the air–speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

What do you mean? An African or European swallow?

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