eBook Special - Why Everything Matters by Philip G. Ryken
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Today we feature an ebook special from our friends at Gospel eBooks. Why Everything Matters by Philip G. Ryken is available for $2.99. Found out more about this powerful book below.

Why Everything Matters
Ecclesiastes is for people who have their doubts about God, but can't stop thinking about him. The author of Ecclesiastes had his doubts, too, and these have enabled him to speak to skeptics as well as believers down through the centuries.
Ecclesiastes is a book rich in literary artistry and multi-layered depths of spiritual meaning. Philip G. Ryken explores this wonderful Old Testament book, and reminds us again of the need to trust God with the questions, even when we do not have all the answers.
... Why Everything Matters is a remarkable read that will inform and elevate every heart with essential wisdom for living a life that matters. R. Kent Hughes, Senior Pastor Emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois ... a wonderful treatment of the book of Ecclesiastes. In his study of the text the author beautifully blends the mind of a scholar with the heart of a pastor. It is a faithful exposition of a book that is troubling to many. Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina Philip Ryken has provided another crisp, lively and faithful exposition that will serve both Bible reader and Bible teacher alike. This book will be a great help in opening up the wonderful and unique world of Ecclesiastes. Highly recommended. Sam Allberry, Assistant Pastor, St Marys, Maidenhead and Author of Is God Anti-Gay?
About the Author:
Philip G. Ryken became President of Wheaton College in July 2010. Prior to that he was Senior Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is also a prolific author and a member of the council of The Gospel Coalition.