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Catherine Mackenzie's 12 Books of Christmas - Held in Honor

Catherine MacKenzie

Held in Honor
Held in Honor
Over the next few days I’m going to bash out a few posts about twelve Christian Focus books that have been in that leaning tower of literature on my bedside cabinet over the last year. In no particular order I’m starting off today with

Held in Honor: Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past

This book is something I’ve found to be a very easy read but also highly beneficial – even though I’m a single woman. Held in Honor has 50 devotional entries on the subject of marriage, each one written by a Christian from the past or present. People like Paulinus of Nola (354–431) and Piper of Minnesota :-) – (1946 to present aka John Piper.)

Each devotional gives a short biography on the writer, a quote that they have written on the theme of marriage and then there is a short additional devotional from the authors: Matthew D Haste and Robert L Plummer.

But to whet your appetite for this book I’ll leave you with a quote from Martin Luther:

In order that we may not proceed as blindly, but rather conduct ourselves in a Christian manner, hold fast first of all to this, that man and woman are the work of God. Keep a tight rein on your heart and lips; do not criticize his work, or call that evil which he himself has called good. He knows better than you yourself what is good and to your benefit, as he says in Genesis [2:18], “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” There you see that he calls the woman good, a helper. If you deem it otherwise, it is certainly your own fault, you neither understand nor believe God’s word and work. See, with this statement of God one stops the mouths of all those who criticize and censure marriage.

There are a good stock of endorsements for this book but the one that jumps out for me is the following:

"As a woman engaged to be married for the first time (in my mid-50s), who loves classic Christian writings and devotional literature, I have found this book to be a treasure trove. A sweet and timely source of wisdom as I seek to honor Christ in a new season and station of life."

-Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Author, Revive Our Hearts & radio host, Niles, Michigan

This is a good book for any library. Not only will it be helpful to married couples, it will be an engaging read for anyone who is a history-buff or simply just interested in the spiritual side to relationships. With it’s easily read format it’s one of those dip into books – a perfect after turkey, boxing day read.

Where to Buy:

Held in Honor: Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:

Held in Honor
Held in Honor
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