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Interview with Chris Sinkinson on In the Market with Janet Parshall

Gavin MacKenzie

Chris Sinkinson
Chris Sinkinson
Christian Focus author Chris Sinkinson recently appeared on In the Market with Janet Parshall to share about his book Backchat: Answering Christianity’s Critics. The interview is available to stream or download at

About the Book:

You wish you had an answer, now you do. Sinkinson tackles dodgy science and Christian urban myths whilst reminding us that Christians are not called to win arguments but hearts.

  • Darwin’s death bed conversion – truth or myth?
  • Is God a moral monster?
  • Is this really the God particle?
  • Is the Bible an immoral book?
  • Who was Jesus?

Praise for Backchat:

“When Richard Dawkins came on my radio show, I immediately knew who I wanted him to debate it with… Sinkinson, I can think of none better to provide it.”

-Justin Brierley ~ Journalist and host of Premier Radio ‘Unbelievable’ Show

“Provides us with a helpful selection of thoughts and responses,from items in the news, to the big questions of life.”

-Amy Orr-Ewing ~ UK Director, RZIM Zacharias Trust

“Direct, informed, crisp, Biblical, and all with a dash of humour! A great collection of apologetic snapshots.”

-Jonathan Lamb ~ Keswick Ministries, CEO and minister-at-large

About Chris Sinkinson:

Chris Sinkinson is lecturer in Old testament and Apologetics at Moorlands College, Christchurch, England and one of the pastors of Alderholt Chapel.

Where to Buy:

Backchat: Answering Christianity’s Critics by Chris Sinkinson is available at any good  Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:

Backchat: Answering Christianity's Critics
Backchat: Answering Christianity's Critics
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