Interview with Albert Martin on The Confessing Baptist Podcast
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Christian Focus author Albert N. Martin was recently interviewed on The Confessing Baptist Podcast about his book You Lift Me Up: Overcoming Ministry Challenges (Mentor, 2013). The archive of this interview is available to stream or download below:
[sc_embed_player fileurl=""] Albert Martin on The Confessing Baptist Podcast
About the Book:
It happens little by little. . . Even in the context of a very faithful ministry, a pastor may be at risk of a gradual-but ultimately debilitating-downfall. Al Martin speaks from years of experience as he guides pastors to identify warning signs of dangerous paths:
- Backsliding-a spiritual decline manifested first in the prayer closet.
- Burnout-erosion of one's mental, emotional, psychological, and physical resiliency and buoyancy.
- Washout-the loss of credibility among the people.
About the Author:
Albert N. Martin served as pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, New Jersey, for more than forty years and he taught Pastoral Theology in the Trinity Ministerial Academy for twenty years. Esteemed by leading theologians and pastors, his preaching is the subject of a book, My Heart for Thy Cause.
Where to Buy:
You Lift Me Up: Overcoming Ministry Challenges by Albert N. Martin is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
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