Monday Meditations: Where there’s a Will there’s a Way!
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Where there’s a Will there’s a Way! ‘And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling, with his couch, into the midst before Jesus’ (Luke 5:19). What a lovely human story this is! The crowds that gathered around our Lord, as he taught them, were so great that they filled not only the house where he was staying, with the Pharisees and learned men sitting by, but overflowed into a vast multitude in the forecourt. The Master may have stood on the balcony of a double-storied house, so as to be able to reach the crowds within and without. As he was teaching, presently four men approached, carrying on a hammock slung between them a paralyzed man. We are not told in so many words that they were young men, but their earnestness and ingenuity incline one to this idea. Perhaps they had been school-chums together, and as they grew up they may have entered upon evil ways – ‘sown their wild oats’ together, and one of their number may have been suffering from the consequences, for our Lord very distinctly set the pardon of his sins before the healing of his body. His four companions had probably heard Christ preach and had become his followers, for it was seeing their faith that he performed this miracle of salvation and healing. They agreed that by hook or by crook they would bring their friend into Christ’s gracious presence. Unable to make their way through the throng, they were not daunted, but climbed up on to the roof, and the record says, ‘let him down through the tiling’. Lowered by strong hands, with its four ropes, the hammock swung to the feet of the Master, and the expectant imploring eyes of this poor fellow could not make a more eloquent appeal for help than did the evident faith of his bearers. The words with which our Lord saluted him were very tender and gracious: ‘Man, thy sins are forgiven thee!’ One of the sure means of physical health is to be assured of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness (James 5:14-16). Would that we were all equally anxious to bring our friends to Christ. If four would agree about a fifth, and never rest until he or she was brought to Jesus, what a revival would break out (John 4:28-30). Prayer: Enlarge our souls with a divine love, that we may hope all things, endure all things and become messengers of thy healing mercy to the grievances and infirmities of men. Amen. *Excerpted from Our Daily Walk: Daily Readings by F. B. Meyer (Christian Heritage, 2010).
Where to Buy:
Our Daily Walk: Daily Readings by F. B. Meyer is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
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