Hear Graham Veale Live on The Janet Mefferd Show – 7/31/2014 @ 3 PM ET
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Christian Focus author Graham Veale will be interviewed live Thursday July 31, 2014 at 3:00 PM ET on The Janet Mefferd Show to discuss his book New Atheism: A Survival Guide. You can listen to the live broadcast at janetmefferd.com.
The archive of this interview is now available to stream or download: LINK.
About the Book:
This summary of the arguments that dominate the current scene of thought unravels the philosophies behind modern popular and academic culture. Veale, a high school teacher, uses these arguments to motivate readers to stop and to think about their own direction and purpose, and ultimately, through consideration of the crucial questions, to find the vital answers.
About the Author:
Graham Veale is the head of the Religious Education department at the City of Armagh High School, Armagh, Northern Ireland and co-founded saintsandsceptics.org, a web ministry for apologetics. Graham has been married to Nicola for fifteen years and they have two children, Ben and Rebekah. They worship at Richhill Presbyterian Church in County Armagh.
Where to Buy:
New Atheism: A Survival Guide by Graham Veale is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
Buy Now: Christian Focus: Paperback Amazon: Paperback | Kindle Apple: iBooks Barnes & Noble: Paperback CLC Bookshops: Paperback Koorong: Paperback 10ofThose: Paperback