New Release: The Greatest Fight in the World: The Final Manifesto by Charles Spurgeon
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Spurgeon gave The Greatest Fight in the World almost as a last word to impart to his followers in the faith his belief in the armoury of Scripture, the armour of the church, and the strength that God gives us to fight. Be encouraged and empowered to take up your sword and join the fray of the Christian life. This powerful advice to Christians is a battle charge for living the faithful life whether in Spurgeon's day or in ours.
Praise for The Greatest Fight in the World:
"Spurgeon in full flow, facing the critical issue of his day, is an impressive example of a heart burning with, and for, the glory of God." -Steve Timmis ~ Global Director of the Acts 29 Network
"It is a jeremiad overladen with a sense of having been defeated for the moment, bloodied, but finally unbowed, and confident that truth will rebound to take a firmer grasp on the people of God than ever." -Tom Nettles ~ Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
"The clarity and power of the themes... were timely then, and they seem just as timely today." -Mark Dever ~ Senior Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President of, Washington, DC
About the Author:
Spurgeon, the great Victorian preacher, left a legacy for modern times that made him known as the 'Prince of Preachers.'
Other Spurgeon Titles:
Where to Buy:
The Greatest Fight in the World: The Final Manifesto by Charles Spurgeon is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
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