Magnificent Obsession Blog Tour
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This week we have a number of reviewers participating in a book review blog tour for Magnificent Obsession: Why Jesus is Great by David Robertson. Excerpts from their reviews follow below:
"Magnificent Obsession is a great resource for Christians concerned about sharing their faith with mutual respect. Readers interested in debate, reason, and persuasion will be especially keen on Robertson’s work." Reviewer: David Buller ( Rating: 5 Stars
"I would highly recommend this book to all Christians so that they would have a copy to give away, and to all non-believers so that they would at least hear arguments against their belief system and for Christ." Reviewer: Joey Parker ( Rating: 5 Stars
"If you are looking for a good book on apologetics get this." Reviewer: Angela Parsley ( Rating: 4 Stars
"This book is great for Christians that desire to be able to defend their faith intelligently but struggle with how to apply it conversationally. I could also see this book used with small groups focused on building up the body to engage the culture with the claims of Christ." Reviewer: Ryan Rickard ( Rating: 4 Stars
"I truly cannot recommend this book enough. If you are passionate about truth, you will be engaged. The Magnificent Obsession is Jesus." Reviewer: Jeanie Schwagerman ( Rating: 5 Stars
"This is a book I wish I could get so many more people to read, both Christians and non-believers." Reviewer: Richard Morgan-Proctor ( Rating: 5 Stars
"I appreciated the tone of Magnificent Obsession and find Robertson’s communication style respectful and positive. Most importantly his writing here is an encouraging example of developing a Jesus centered apologetic." Reviewer: Gary Ware ( Rating: 4 Stars
"Magnificent Obsession is real gem. Taking on the new atheists and their lack of sound reason, history, and argument, David carefully constructs an argument for Jesus through dialogue and sound truth. You won’t want to miss this provocative and enriching work that displays Jesus in all his glory." Reviewer: Spencer Cummins ( Rating: 5 Stars
"This is a unique approach to apologetics because it focuses on what living for Jesus is like in an attempt to convince someone to embrace following him." Reviewer: Tom Farr ( Rating: 4 Stars
"I think this is a great book to give to non-Christian friends who are open and searching." Reviewer: Jennifer Guo ( Rating: 3 Stars
"It would make a great dialogue for Christians to use with a non-believer as well using references from it when debating on Christianity. It would even make a great small group discussion in the church." Reviewer: Chris Land ( Rating: 5 Stars
"Magnificent Obsession is instructive for Christians because it demonstrates the Christological focus on sharing our faith. I also think this will be a helpful book to gift to a non-Christian friend who is a seeker." Reviewer: James Matichuk ( Rating: 4 Stars
"Magnificent Obsession in this reviewers opinion is one of the most engaging and theologically robust books on Apologetics out there. I highly recommend Magnificent Obsession because it provides an up-close look in how to engage those who question the Christian faith with a view to answer them with well-reasoned and biblically faithful answers." Reviewer: Joshua Davis ( Rating: 4 Stars
Where to Buy:
Magnificent Obsession: Why Jesus is Great by David Robertson is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
Buy Now: Christian Focus: Paperback | Kindle Amazon: Paperback Barnes & Noble: Paperback ChristianBook: Paperback 10ofThose: Paperback Eden: Paperback Koorong: Paperback CLC Bookshops: Paperback