Hear Robert Cheong Live on Viewpoint Radio – 8/29/2013 @ 4:00 PM ET
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Christian Focus author Robert Cheong will be interviewed live Thursday August 29, 2013 at 4:00 PM ET on the ViewPoint Broadcast with attorney and author Chuck Crismier to discuss his book God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline. You can tune in to the live broadcast at www.saveus.org.
The archive of this interview is now available to stream or download: LINK
About the Book:
Church discipline is a term that is fraught with problems for the church today. However from the Biblical witness it is clear that it is an essential component of a healthy, God-honoring church – a church where Christians grow and mature in grace and develop solid foundations with which they can, with the help of the Spirit, withstand the storms of life.
With many years of pastoral experience, Robert K. Cheong has faced this issue many times. Additionally he interviewed over 30 pastors from different countries and a wide variety of church settings.

Robert Cheong
Robert Cheong
About the Author:
Robert Cheong is the pastor responsible for Care and Counselling at Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky. He is married to Karen and they have three grown children.
Where to Buy:
God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
Buy Now: Christian Focus: Paperback Amazon: Paperback | E-book Barnes & Noble: Paperback | E-book ChristianBook: Paperback