The Cost of the Kingdom by Elliott Tepper
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"The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field" Matthew 13:44
Elliott writes, "I believe that the only reasonable response to Jesus' demand, if one has tasted the mystery of the King and His Kingdom, is to pay Him His price and purchase the treasure in the field." Any sacrifices made pale into insignificance in the light of Christ's sacrifice for us.
Table of Contents:
1: How Much Is a Treasure in a Field Worth? - Ask the Plumber
2: What is the True Cost of Discipleship? - Ask the TAx Collector
3: Where Is the Kingdom? - Ask the Fisherman
4: The Details in the Greater Picture
5: Divine Prosperity - A Cost-Benefit Analysis
6: They Had Everything Except the One Thing They Lacked
7: They Had Nothing Left to Give Save Ashes
About the Author:
Elliott Tepper is a missionary serving with WEC International. He is the founder of Betel, International Director of Betel, President of AMEC (The assemblies of WEC, Int.) and the Senior Pastor of Iglesia Betel in Madrid, Spain.
Praise For The Cost of the Kingdom:
"This volume contains a distillation of these hard-learnt lessons, precious truths discovered and powerful illustrations from his practical involvement on the front lines of Gospel advance. Read it prayerfully, and apply its truths, and you will be blessed indeed." -Patrick Johnstone ~ WEC International Regional Director for Europe & Author Emeritus, Operation World
"Elliott Tepper was saying all that I knew needed to be said to today's Christians. I was thrilled, challenged, encouraged all at once. If you are afraid of another challenge to whole-hearted Christianity, don't buy this book. If you are afraid to step out of a mediocre, half-hearted, divided life-style, don't read this. To be a Christian is to fall in love with Jesus, who gave His all for us, and demands that we give our all for Him. Simple - but costly!" -Helen Roseveare ~ Former missionary in Congo, internationally respected speaker with WEC ministries and author
Where to Buy:
The Cost of the Kingdom by Elliott Tepper is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
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