A Neglected Grace Blog Tour
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This week we have several bloggers participating in a book review blog tour for A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home by Jason Helopoulos. Links to the reviews will appear below as they are available:
"In essence, through the practice of family worship we are growing deeper in love with Jesus and with one another. This is why family worship is so important in a culture where marriages are falling apart. This is also why A Neglected Grace is such a good book because it not only shows the beauty and glory of Christ, but also how to properly love one another in our homes." Reviewer: Dave Jenkins (ServantsOfGrace.org) Rating: 5 Stars
"A Neglected Grace is a truly valuable shot in the arm for families to engage worshiping God together as a family unit, something Scripture actually commands us to do." Reviewer: Michael Boling (IntelMin.org) Rating: 5 Stars
"This is a short work; short but full... I found myself encouraged to persevere in this neglected grace." Reviewer: David West (davidsinkwell.wordpress.com) Rating: 4 Stars
"it fully accomplishes what Jason intended it to accomplish and that is a book that gently encourages those who are discouraged in family worship to stay faithful, to those who aren't practicing family worship to "just do it", and offers those who are thinking about doing it sample ways to do it. I have already given one copy of this book to someone in my church and will fully recommend it to others going forward." Reviewer: Joshua Davis (GoodReads.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"If you’re a guy, you probably ought to pick up this book. That is, unless you are already a family worship master. But, since we could all probably use some help with leading our families well, this is a great little volume to pick up." Reviewer: Nate Claiborne (nathanielclaiborne.com) Rating: 4 Stars
"A Neglected Grace is a much needed book, written with grace, and understanding. I highly recommend it." Reviewer: Coralie Cowan (lifemoreabundant.me) Rating: 5 Stars
"I hope this book is a great encouragement to others desiring to practice family worship. I was impressed with Jason’s ability to encourage families with the wisdom that comes from family worship while also answering the questions I had in mind regarding family worship." Reviewer: Spencer Cummins (spencerdeancummins.blogspot.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"Perhaps the greatest strength of the book is Helopoulos’ contagious passion for family worship. Reading this book should bolster the faith, passion, and ability for parents to lead their family into God’s presence and make sure that the grace God gives through family worship is not neglected." Reviewer: Kevin Halloran (kevinhalloran.net) Rating: 5 Stars
"Jason Helopoulos does families a great service by bringing this much needed, fresh exhortation to pursue God together as families. May many families be encouraged to introduce their families to or persevere in family worship through this helpful resource!!" Reviewer: Elizabeth Hankins (hankinsfamily.com) Rating: 4 Stars
"This is a little book that is big on encouragement. I appreciated how the author covers challenging family situations such as the single parent or unbelieving spouse, squirmy children, and even our own lukewarm faith. You won't find any guilt trips here but a call to believe that God's grace is able to stir our hearts and the hearts of our children." Reviewer: Persis Lorenti (triedbyfire.blogspot.com) Rating: 4 Stars
"I cannot recommend this enough... A Neglected Grace is exactly what the title implies. A gift of God available for the taking and you would be wise to do just that." Reviewer: Marc Mullins (poreuomai.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"If you’re a pastor reading this, I would recommend buying a dozen or so and keeping them around to share with your congregation. It’s a short book and a straightforward, biblical resource. It’s a can’t miss." Reviewer: Matthew Sims (graceforsinners.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"I would commend this book to worship leaders also. The view of worship espoused in the book has a high view of God. As a worship leader I was refreshed and the way I view my role was sharpened." Reviewer: Ben Wilson (bnjcwilson.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"[Helopoulos'] argument for Family Worship is the best I’ve heard. It basically boiled down to, ok look, we know we are to train and raise our kids and shepherd and wash with the water of the Word our wives, but unless we are intentional about this, and set aside time to do it, then a lot of the time we can assume we are doing it and before we know it years pass by and we’ve really done nothing." Reviewer: Jason Delgado (jxd1689.tumblr.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"We live in a world that is trying to pull our children and ourselves away from the gospel. How can we make sure that every sphere of our lives are God centred? By gathering together as families to worship God. It doesn’t take long, it is doesn’t require a theological degree, and it will benefit every member of the family. This book will help you towards that goal." Reviewer: Emmanuel Durand (erdurand.com) Rating: 5 Stars
"With A Neglected Grace, every Christian family will find an accessible toolkit for family worship. If we had the budget, I’d buy a copy for every household in our congregation. Undoubtedly, this book will become my “go to” resource for encouraging our families to practice and persevere in family worship." Reviewer: Steve Meister (affectedbytruth.com) Rating: 5 Stars
About the Book:
Whether your home includes a single mother with her children, three generations of a family, the immediate family and Uncle Bob, who is living in the spare room, or the traditional mother, father, and 2.5 kids, it is our joyful responsibility to lead our home in worshipping the Lord. In the history of the church, family worship has been one of the Christian family’s strongest characteristics. In the last century, however, this great tradition of the faith has diminished.
In A Neglected Grace Pastor Jason Helopoulos graciously calls church leaders and individual members to reclaim the practice of family worship as a glorious expression of our Christian faith. This indispensable means of grace directs our families to seek and enjoy the love and beauty of Christ daily.
About the Author:
Jason Helopoulos is Assistant Pastor of University Reformed Church, East Lansing, Michigan. Married to Leah, they have two children, Gracen and Ethan.
Where to Buy:
A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home by Jason Helopoulos is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
Buy Now: Christian Focus: Paperback Amazon: Paperback | Kindle Barnes & Noble: Paperback ChristianBook: Paperback 10ofThose: Paperback WTS Books: Paperback