Notable and Quotable - Walter C. Kaiser Jr. on Ecclesiastes
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"Ecclesiastes has as its central concern that basic hunger of mortals to see how the wholeness of life fits into a meaningful pattern where its purpose and plan is owned and directed by God. Can this current age with so much brutality, injustice, and lack of cohesiveness come to be at once accepted, enjoyed, and understood to fit in any way into the divine plan and purpose for life? And if the same laws and plans of the omnipotent God apply to all reality, why does there often seem to be so little evidence of the positive sides of the divine plan in effect? Where are the goodness and joy of life evident in the constant change and transitions of a life that so often puzzles us? Where is the sovereign direction of a wise, powerful, and good God when suffering Christians need Him most and seemingly He is not there? Ecclesiastes was written to give perspective and some practical advice on the above questions. It is in many ways a companion book to Job. Yet in other ways it is also a book of very unusual, but desperately needed, messages especially for our day. It is no wonder that of all the books of the Bible read by contemporary college and university students, this is the one that, more often than not, "turns them on" the most. There is a good reason for that: it was written for persons just like them, and, in fact, for persons just like all of us who are afflicted with the postmodern, Western trends and diagnoses."
Excerpted from Coping with Change - Ecclesiastes (Christian Focus, 2013)
Where to Buy:
Coping With Change – Ecclesiastes by Walter C. Kaiser Jr. is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
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