Available for Review - To Walk or Stay by Lara Williams
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Join us March 18-22, 2013 for the To Walk or Stay Ebook Review Blog Tour!
About the Book:
Her marriage slowly deteriorated behind the facade of a happy, Christian home. After six years together, with three young children, Lara discovered the devastating reality of her husband's marital betrayal.Lara gives tender guidance to any woman walking the unexpected paths of betrayal. But even more than that, she testifies of the victorious life in Christ available to everyone, regardless of any shattered hopes or suffocating fears.
About the Author:
Lara Williams lives with her husband and three children in Greensboro, North Carolina. She holds a degree in psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her blog “To Overflowing” (tooverflowing.com) and website www.LaraWilliams.org encourage women to discover a wildly vibrant faith.
Blog Tour Details:
The To Walk or Stay Ebook Review Blog Tour will run March 18-22, 2013. Participants must be willing to post a review of the book on their personal blog and at least one internet retailer of their choice such as Amazon.com.
A limited number of entries will be selected via the form below:
This blog tour is now full. Thank you for your interest.