Here are the new titles from our Christian Focus 4 Kids (CF4K) imprint, now available in the US.
A sneaky little thief meets Jesus and then he starts giving away his money instead - that's Zacchaeus. A ruthless thug chases down Christians but after a run in with the risen Lord, he joins forces with the people he once hated - that's Paul. A young woman sits on the river bank, when she hears the Word of God, a quiet change warms her heart and another sinner is saved, a life changed and an eternity secured - that's Lydia. These people and others in this book were all changed by God through his Word. And we can read about them in his Word - the Bible.
God has some good news for you and it's called the Gospel. "What's the Gospel?" you say. It's the good news that even though we sin and have disobeyed God, we can have life and joy as part of God's kingdom. You see you & I don't deserve God's goodness, but he reached down and rescued you and me even when my sin and your sin had made you and me his enemy. This book explains what the Gospel is - not just parts of it.
Every child needs to know about God. Words like: Merciful, Faithful, Holy and Gracious. What do the words Holy and Incarnate mean? The carefully written and beautifully illustrated explanation of these words will help your child know and worship the one true God.