New from Christian Focus - July / August 2012
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Churches, Revolutions And Empires: 1789-1914 by Ian J Shaw
1789 to 1914 was a time of momentous and often violent change religiously, socially, politically and economically in the western world. The revolutions in the churches and the powerful empires of the day were to have a profound effect upon society at large both then and in the years that followed. In this detailed yet fascinating study, Ian Shaw gives context and understanding to this legacy which has been passed on from that era by providing an expert analysis of the period with a focus on the key leaders, influences and issues.
The Yankee Officer & the Southern Belle: A Journey of Love across Africa by Nell Robertson Chinchen
The Yankee Officer and the Southern Belle is the vivid recollection of how God called Nell and Jack Chinchen from the comforts of their "perfect" life to a risky, lifelong journey they would never regret. More than forty years ago, the Chinchens arrived in Liberia, West Africa, as missionaries. They had left family, thriving ministries and a successful business. Their new life in the jungle would bring perils: tropical diseases, witch doctors, fire and even rebel invasion. Yet joy overflowed in their faithfulness to God's call-training pastors, teaching children, pioneering medical ministry. And their work wouldn't stop at the boundaries of their bamboo mission station. As the ministry expanded, God led the Chinchens to establish African Bible Colleges and Radio ABC, sending the Gospel across the continent. Looking back now, as the Chinchens live and work in Malawi, Nell is certain about the author of her story. "Africa," she says... "the place that God had written on my heart before the foundation of the world."
A Cord of Three Strands by Diana Lynn Severance
Follow the love stories of those who served in public positions such as soldiers; martyrs; and pastors through the letters they wrote to their loved ones. However marriage is not purely about the husband and wife; there is another strand which is vital. Marriage is a gift from God and a most important factor in the strength of that marriage is the love we have for the Giver of that gift. There are: Thomas J. and Mary Anna Jackson; John and Margaret Winthrop; Henry Martyn and Lydia Grenfell; Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Maria von Wedemeyer; Christopher and Margaret Love; John and Mary Newton; Charles and Susannah Spurgeon.