Hear John Keddie on Lifeline with Kurt Goff – 6/29/2012 – 3:20 PM ET
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Christian Focus author John Keddie will be interviewed live Friday June 29, 2012 at 3:20 PM ET on Lifeline with Kurt Goff to discuss his book Eric Liddell: Finish the Race. You can tune in to the live broadcast at www.wdcxfm.com.
The archive of this interview is now available: John Keddie Interview - Lifeline with Kurt Goff.
About the Book:
As a young child Eric Liddell lived in the exotic climate of China. His parents worked there as missionaries, teaching the good news of Jesus. Eric's life from then on brought him to boarding school in England, university in Edinburgh and the fame of Olympic Stardom in Paris. But with that fame came trouble as he struggled to stand up for his Christian faith. Eric's strong belief in keeping the Lord's Day as a day of worship was challenged when his 100 metres race was scheduled for the Sunday. Eric's strength of conviction and his subsequent win in the 400 metres have made him a hero and a role model for many young men and women. But his life was so much more than winning tapes and starters' orders - his whole life was a race for God. This race took him back to the country of his birth - China. This country became the country of his death in a Prisoner of War camp. The man who became known affectionately as the 'Flying Scotsman' in the end lived and died in China - thousands of miles from his native land and his athletic conquests.
About the Author:
John Keddie is a Christian minister and writer. His previous works include a highly-regarded centenary history of Scottish Athletics. His connection to Eric Liddell comes through an advisory position that he held for the movie Chariots of Fire. He has also written a biography of Eric Liddell, Running the Race, published by EP. Rev. John W. Keddie is the Minister of the Bracadale congregation of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.
Buy the Book: Print: Christian Focus, Amazon, 10ofThose, ChristianBook, Barnes and Noble, and many other good bookstores and online retailers. E-book: Amazon