Banished from his Sunday School at All Souls, Langham Place, for hiding a dagger in his sock, John Stott was a little boy who was not expected to join the ministry. Far from it. His father had other hopes and ambitions for his first born son. So John received the best education that money could buy. He went to the best schools and the best university. John's family wanted him to be a success and a credit to the Stott name.And he was. John was bright, energetic and dedicated. However, something happened that changed the direction of his life. Family ambitions took second place to serving the Lord Jesus Christ and working for God's glory. So bizarrely the little boy who had been banished from All Souls Sunday School eventually became its curate and then its rector. He even became Chaplain to the Queen. What was it that brought the naughty little Sunday School student full circle? How did he get into Time Magazine as one of the 20th century's most influential people? Why is 'Uncle John' listened to by many, read by thousands and recognised across the world as a pastor, friend and leader? His life, faith and the Word of God hold many of the answers. This book will introduce you to all three.
When the earth started to shake and the rocks fell Billy Bray knew that his life was in danger. When you're down a mine shaft, digging for tin, in the dark, damp tunnels... a rock fall could kill you. Mining in the 1800s was dangerous, it still is today - it was a hard life for little pay and safety measures were few and far between. Surviving that rock fall started Billy Bray on a different path - for the first time in a long time he walked home sober. Drink no longer had the same appeal. The jovial, happy-go-lucky guy who made fun of everything - even God - suddenly realised that he had a soul, that he was a sinner, and that he was in danger of spending eternity in the deepest pit there was - hell. However God's plan for Billy was not to leave him in his sin and misery. Billy Bray discovers true happiness in Jesus Christ and his legacy to the Cornish people included lively preaching, newly built chapels and true revivals. Billy was saved from the deepest pit - and went on to tell others that they can also be saved from their sin.
We don't know if Joshua kept a diary but if he did he would certainly have written about his people, the Israelites, as they made their way from Egypt to the Promised Land. Bite sized pieces of the account will help children learn about a crucial time in the history of the people of God. Well illustrated with cartoon type pictures.
Postcards from Paul is the ideal way to teach children about the journeys and teaching of Paul as he made his way church planting and visiting churches that sprang up after Christians moved across the world in response to Jesus' command to go into all the world.
The cartoon artwork has been freshly scanned and the book has a bigger page size.