Hear William D. Barrick on Knowing the Truth with Kevin Boling - 3/22/2012 - 1 PM ET
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Christian Focus author William D. Barrick will be interviewed live Thursday March 22, 2012 at 1:00 PM ET to discuss his new book Ecclesiastes: The Philippians of the Old Testament on Knowing the Truth with Kevin Boling. You can tune in to the live broadcast at www.ChristianTalk660.com.
The archive of this broadcast can be found here: LINK.
About the Book:
What is the purpose of life? The preacher in Ecclesiastes, just like many today, is in search of life's meaning. But as they look through their limited worldview all they find is "vanity, vanity". Pure emptiness! They are in search for something which will have eternal value. To find it, we need to look beyond ourselves. This is what the preacher discovers; that man is powerless, yet God has a design and purpose for all things. He is the giver of all life. Ecclesiastes gives teaching on doctrines such as man, salvation and future judgment.
About the Author:
William D. Barrick serves as Professor of Old Testament and Director of Th.D studies at The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California. He is author of a number of books and written articles for a number of Journals.
Where to Buy:
Ecclesiastes: The Philippians of the Old Testament is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
Buy Now: Christian Focus, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, 10 of Those, ChristianBook.com, Monergism Books