Prayer Tips To Use With Your Children and Grandchildren during the Christmas Season!
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We recently asked Christian Focus author Denise George to write a guest post for the Christian Focus Booknotes blog. She was kind enough to share some prayer tips you can use with your children and grandchildren during this Christmas season. Thank you Denise for sharing on this important topic. Perhaps we will have Denise back again for a guest post in the near future.
Christmas holidays prove a good time to teach children and grandchildren about prayer. During the Christmas season, in addition to reading together and discussing the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1-20), try some of these family prayer suggestions with your children and/or grandchildren.
Set aside time each day during the Christmas season to pray together as a family. Sentence prayers work well at the holiday meal times. Ask each person at the table to say a sentence or two in prayer. Invite grandparents, family members, and friends to join you in your family's prayer times. Thank God for those devoted people He has placed in your family's life. Let your children join in this prayer. Ask your children to help you pray for family, neighbors, friends, community, country, and world. Express thanks together for God's good gifts, such as home, food, family, church, and good health. Give your children (and grandchildren) the opportunity to add other "good gifts" to your family's prayer list. Put "legs" to your prayers: Find out who in your church or neighborhood is expecting a child. During her pregnancy, pray with your children each day for the development of the unborn baby. Put together a basket of baby powder, disposable diapers, baby lotion, etc., for your children to present to the mother when the baby is born. Continue to pray for this baby as he grows and develops. As a family, read together Psalm 139.

If you'd like more prayer tips from Denise George, you can follower her Teach Your Children to Pray Blog. You should also take a look at her book Teach Your Children to Pray, which is published by Christian Focus.