Dr. Motyer invites readers to share in his passion for the book of Isaiah, see his personal invitation from the Author's Preface below:
Welcome to Isaiah! I send you this invitation as one who loves everything about him-the way he writes, his mastery of words, the rhythmic beauty of his Hebrew and, above all, the magnificent sweep of his messianic vision, taking in the glory of Jesus as God and King, the wonder and fullness of the salvation he accomplished, and the shining hope of his coming again. I want to share all this with you so that you may become as indebted to Isaiah as I feel myself to be. His book is as much the crown of the Old Testament as the Epistle to the Hebrews is of the New Testament-and for the same reason. Isaiah saw the coming King, Saviour and Conqueror; Hebrews knew him as Jesus. May the Lord God bless you richly as you read this tremendous portion of his word.Alec Motyer
Poynton, Cheshire
Isaiah by the Day: A new Devotional Translation is available at your local Christian book store. Here are a few of the places you can purchase it online: ChristianBook.com, Monergism Books, 10ofthose.com, BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com.
Dr. Alec Motyer is a well-known Bible expositor and from an early age has had a love for studying God’s Word. He was formerly principal of Trinity College, Bristol, where over his years there he regularly taught on the book of Isaiah.
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